1v1 Goalkeeping Session

As follow-up to the articles this week on the 1v1 play of Lukasz Fabianski for Arsenal in the FA Cup and Joe Hart for Manchester City in the Champions League here is a 30 minute session for goalkeepers at the Youth Level that I’ve always enjoyed both as a coach and player.

A link to session on the Sport Session Planner Site

A PDF Download of the session – Goalkeeping_1v1s

Things to Remember as a Coach / Goalkeeper:

  • When the attacker has broken free and moving towards you first make sure you are on the shooting line.
  • When closing down the attacker move along this shooting line.
  • Moving forward allows you to cover the goal better and narrow the angle.
  • Be patient – move forwards too early and you may get “stranded” too far from your line and may need to back away.
  • In a 1v1 you will have things well covered after moving out only a few meters.
  • When ball is in attackers feet move forwards in your starting position, a little lower than normal and with hands lower and wider than normal.
  • Keep feet close together and in contact with the ground as much as possible.
  • Move when the attacker is neither in a position to shoot or dribble (ball away from feet a bit).
  • Resume starting position as soon as attacker in shooting position.
  • Make sure to watch the ball and stay on your feet as long as possible.
  • When you can make your move to the ball with your hand(s).




